Monday, May 30, 2011


So over the last week I have found myself regularly frustrated with other people (I'm talking mainly work-related).  And I couldn't work out why.  But everyday there seemed to be something new that caused me to either emotionally implode - or thankfully - find a friend to have a good vent to.  In assessment of the reasons for my lack of patience and understanding I discovered a common cause.  Me.  More specifically, my expectations.  My frustrations were formed from others not meeting my expectations.  In all sorts of ways.  But always the same - not meeting what I consider the 'acceptable.'  Which has led me to a bit of a self exploration.  Is it me who needs to change?  Do I need to adjust my expectations?  Will this alleviate my frustrations? 
But then I think that having expectations is a good thing.  That I shouldn't accept less.  That being frustrated is a reasonable reaction when others don't meet that expectation. 
But then I have to remember that only I am aware of these expectations.  That it is me who controls what I expect.  That I control how I react.  And that it is my challenge to be able to deal with this frustration in a positive way - by finding a way to be assertive (and constructive) in making others aware of my feelings, or to simply 'suck it up!'
I also have to remember that I am probably (!) not meeting the expectations of others and providing them with the same sort of frustrations!  I guess it's 'expectations karma!'  Actually, on that note, I hope this musing lives up to your expectations :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes yes yes! I am consistenly dissapointed by everyone! Especially with RSVP..what ever happened to the courtesy of RSVP??!!!
